Swim Central is our new whole of sport administration system which has now completely replaced ClubLANE and MyLANE for all clubs and members in NSW.
Need Training?
Use this EOI form to let us know the parts of Swim Central in which you'd like to improve your knowledge. We'll use this information to create a Zoom online training session for you and others like you who've requested training.
Contact Us
For more information contact admin@nsw.swimming.org.au
Follow us on Facebook (@SwimmingNSW)
Subscribe to our Hot off the Blocks club newsletter (sent to Swimming NSW clubs and areas every second Friday).
Weekly tips and functionality updates
- 16 September 2022
- 4 March 2022
- Transfer process will now provide an indicative refund amount which the Participant may expect from a transfer.
- Profiles pages are now slightly more compact for mobile devices
- Club transfer and make primary options are now shown in a member’s membership section, enabling much clearer directions to transfer memberships. This page also shows components in the membership (i.e. national, state, regional, and club where applicable)
- Parent/Primary user will now land in the ‘Store’ as themselves, as opposed to the oldest dependent
- 25 February 2022
- Select Import Summary from the Results dropdown list
- Confirm you have no unmatched results.
- Incorrect DOB in either meet manager or swim central
- Different spelling of a name between meet manager and swim central
- Duplicate profile in Swim Central
- No profile match
- 18 February 2022
- Reminder for clubs that if you need to reupload meet results for any reason, in addition to providing your Area with the ne results, you must contact Swimming NSW for it to be reverified via the back end of Swim Central.
- TRANSFERS: Is a club member making a transfer to or from your club and their initial membership was purchased using an Active Kids Voucher? If so, they must follow THESE STEPS in order for the transfer to be successful.
- Access to ‘Force Expiry’ and ‘Force Suspension’ features soon to be restricted to State/National Entities.
- Added new ‘Join a Club’ shortcut to the dashboard; takes the user directly to the ‘Memberships’ suggestions pages
- 11 February 2022
- Changes which improve the efficiency of Active Kids Vouchers administration, specifically to ensure admins are clear on which step a voucher is up to. This will be done via the creation of 3 clear steps and 8 clear sub-stages.
- This will also be reflected in voucher reporting which should also be available early next week.
- This will also be reflected in voucher reporting which should also be available early next week.
- Emails now go out to participants if a bulk refund is requested (i.e. cancellation of an entire meet), to advise them that their refund for the meet is now processing.
- 4 February 2022
- If members wish to transfer to another club mid-season after purchasing their initial membership using an Active Kids Voucher, they are eligible for the refund of the common components (i.e. Swimming Australia and Swimming NSW fees) and the office can assist with the SNSW component. Please CLICK HERE for the link which the member will need read through and then submit the accompanying form.
- If members wish to upgrade their membership (e.g. from Club Only to Full Swimmer) mid-season after purchasing their initial membership using an Active Kids Voucher, they must do so buy purchasing the new product and making that their primary club. They are then eligible for the refund of the common components (i.e. Swimming Australia and Swimming NSW fees) which the office can assist with. Please CLICK HERE for the link which the member will need read through and then submit the accompanying form.
- 21 January 2022
- Refund Requests now require the Participant to include a reason for the refund.
- This reason is now displayed in the Refund Approvals page for all Entities.
- Participant Groups and Participant Messaging features are now accessible from the Members Dashboard.
- 14 January 2022
- Life Member update
- Refunds
- Member to use this guide
- Member to inform the club, or event host, that a request has been made
- Club to approve it using this new guide
- (If refund is for a membership) club MUST inform Swimming NSW of the approval (noting the purchaser name) – and the reason for the request - so that SNSW can finalize it.
- 17 December 2021
- Approval of AKVs before Xmas
- Finding meets to attend
- Refunds
- Member to Use this guide
- Member to inform the club, or event host, that a request has been made
- Club to approve it using this new guide
- (If refund is for a membership) club MUST inform Swimming NSW of the approval (noting the purchaser name) – and the reason for the request - so that SNSW can finalize it.
- 10 December 2021
- Approval of AKVs before Xmas
- Life Members
- 3 December 2021
- ‘Suspected Duplicate Identity’ error message means that clubs will need to contact admin@nsw.swimming.org.au to get profiles merged, as the member has more than one profile in the system.
- ‘No ID Match’ refers to either the spelling of the member’s name or DOB is incorrect, so clubs will need to change this in their Meet Manager file and reupload results so that the data matches between systems.
- Member to follow this guide
- Member to inform the club, or event host, that a request has been made
- Club to approve it using this new guide
- 26 November 2021
- Approve your Active Kids vouchers
- Active Kids fees
- Are you getting ‘rogue’ members entering your meet which you thought you had covered by your event requirements? The current setup is: if a member has any membership that fulfils the meet requirements of that meet - regardless of what primary membership is selected - the system will recognise the member as a valid nominee and allow them to proceed with nominations. For example, a member might have another full membership that allows them to enter your meet, or they might even have a Second Claim membership.
- Entity PIN has been disabled for the Swim Central system! You now only need to enter a PIN if you are a Family Group administrator (i.e. mum or dad in a family group)
- Fix for issue which prevent Relay Nominations from exporting via the new HY3 Nominations Export bot.
- 19 November 2021
- Purchasing memberships
- Refunds
- Member to Use this guide
- Member to inform the club, or event host, that a request has been made
- Club to approve it using this new guide
- (If refund is for a membership) club MUST inform Swimming NSW of the approval (noting the purchaser name) – and the reason for the request - so that SNSW can finalize it.
- Finding meets to attend
- Events
- 12 November 2021
- New Updates
- ‘Sales’ is the new term referring to anything ‘Purchase’-related.
- All Purchase and Refund approvals are now under the one ‘Approvals’ tab (see below tabs)
- If you can see one or both of the buttons under the Sales tab circled in Red below, please let us know by emailing admin@nsw.swimming.org.au.
- Exporting your meet entries to Meet Manager
- Finding meets to attend
- Refunds
- Member to Use this guide
- Member to inform the club, or event host, that a request has been made
- Club to approve it using this new guide
- (If refund is for a membership) club MUST inform Swimming NSW of the approval (noting the purchaser name) – and the reason for the request - so that SNSW can finalize it.
- 5 November 2021
- It's important now that meets are up and running, for Club admins to link or associate meets to their club in Swim Central. This enables their swimmers to access enter meets. The help guide on how to link up meets to your club can be found HERE
- Creating events in Swim Central and still confused by all the terminology? Check out this handy guide. This information actually allows you to decide how you want to run your meet, so it’s worth taking a look to gain an understanding.
- Swimming Australia has updated its Terms & Conditions, now stipulating that clubs are responsible for the respective data they have access to. As a result, the PIN that club admins must input when accessing club data in Swim Central will shortly no longer be required! Note: If you have a family in Swim Central, you’ll still need to use your PIN to access that.
- 29 October 2021
- How do I create a direct link for my event to post to my website, Facebook page, etc? – Click Here
- How do I link a meet to my club so that my members can see and enter it in their Calendar? – Click Here
- Remember to Approve your Active Kids Vouchers approximately 3 days after each has been used to purchase a membership with your club – a crucial step in the process! Click Here for more information.
- Wording amended to show correctly. Changed from “Reserves are not exported in the Nomination File” to “Reserves ARE exported in the Nomination File – as per the current process.
- 22 October 2021
- If members wish to transfer to another club mid-season after purchasing their initial membership using an Active Kids Voucher, they are eligible for the refund of the common components (i.e. Swimming Australia and Swimming NSW fees) and the office can assist with the SNSW component. Please CLICK HERE for the link which the member will need read through and then submit the accompanying form.
- If members wish to upgrade their membership (e.g. from Club Only to Full Swimmer) mid-season after purchasing their initial membership using an Active Kids Voucher, they must do so buy purchasing the new product and making that their primary club. They are then eligible for the refund of the common components (i.e. Swimming Australia and Swimming NSW fees) which the office can assist with. Please CLICK HERE for the link which the member will need read through and then submit the accompanying form.
- Upgrades and transfers from memberships that did not involve Active Kids Vouchers are still to be done the standard way – via the transfer process.
- In the Reporting section, clubs can now apply date filters to certain reports which will allow you to only download memberships numbers, transactions, purchases, from within a certain period. A handy feature for Registrars and Treasurers.
- In the Reporting section, clubs can now apply date filters to certain reports which will allow you to only download memberships numbers, transactions, purchases, from within a certain period. A handy feature for Registrars and Treasurers.
- Did your club set up Volume Discounts for your memberships products last season? Make sure to check because if so, they will still be there and applied to your current season products. If you no longer wish for them to be applied to this season, be sure to remove them.
- 15 October 2021
- Correction - On October 8, we advised in HOTB that club admins will see their previous season’s members for 30 days after that membership has expired.
- Remember to Approve your Active Kids Vouchers approximately 3 days after each has been used to purchase a membership with your club – a crucial step in the process!
- Additions to the Reporting Dashboard – Some fancy and easy to read reports now available on your club’s dashboard. Check them out and let us know what you think!
- 8 October 2021
- For clubs who have included document requirements as part of purchasing a membership: Reminder that you MUST approve these memberships within seven (7) days to make them official. The last page of this guide shows you how to do so.
- Not approving it within this time frame means the money is returned to the user and the purchase will have to be made once again.
- Make sure to approve Active Kids Voucher purchases after at least 3 business days. Here is how to do this. Click Here for further information if your club has a membership/document requirement as a condition of purchase.
- If you’re downloading a members report and seeing your members from 2020-21 season there, this is normal and will occur for the first 30 days after the last season has ended. So, by October 31, your Membership report will only show 2021-22 season members. In the meantime, just filter your report to show only 21-22 members, if that’s what you want.
- The members from last season are left in so that clubs can (legally) still access email address of their 20-21 members to inform them – when necessary - that registrations are now open.
- 1 October 2021
- For clubs who have included document requirements as part of purchasing a membership: Reminder that you MUST approve these memberships within seven (7) days to make them official. The last page of this guide shows you how to do so.
- Not approving it within this time frame means the money is returned to the user and the purchase will have to be made once again.
- Make sure to approve Active Kids Voucher purchases after at least 3 business days. Here is how to do this. Click Here for further information if your club has a membership/document requirement as a condition of purchase.
- 21/22 Competitive Swimmer 9&O
- 21/22 Swimmer 8&U
- 21/22 Swimmer (8 years and under)
- 21/22 Swimmer (9 years and over)
- Click here to find out more and to Register!
- 24 September 2021
- Missed our email on Thursday advising that you can now set up your membership products and begin selling them? Access our checklist HERE for all the up to date information to get you started.
- Registrars: make sure to switch off the availability of your previous season’s products – follow the steps HERE. If not done, these products will still be available in your Store catalogue up until September 30, which could result in some members accidentally purchasing the old season membership!
- Have you created your products and want to enable members to purchase a membership using their Active Kids Voucher? Remember to link your new Swimmer products up to the program via these steps.
- Remember to Approve your Active Kids Vouchers approximately 3 days after each has been used to purchase a membership with your club – a crucial step in the process!
- Reminder of refund request approval Process:
- Click here to find out more and to Register!
- 17 September 2021
- 2021-2022 Registration Season!
- Clubs will very soon be able to create their products and open up for registration season! You will notice several small changes this year:
- Non-Swimmer is now referred to more commonly as Dry Member. These terms can be used interchangeably, but you will notice they are set up in Swim Central under Dry Member for you to create your own Dry memberships.
- Ensure when creating your Dry Member and Recreational Swimmer memberships that ‘Hide from Requirements’ box is checked. This is outlined in the new help guide available online. This prevents clubs from accepting non-swimming members and recreational swimmers into their events, which are not allowed under the structure of the 2021-22 membership categories.
- Any Recreational Swimmers who are taking part of one of their four (4) club nights per season, are to be added to the event manually.
- Replacement Products will no longer be recommended by SNSW for the 2021-2022 season.
- Second Claim memberships will now be created in the exact same way that regular memberships are created – i.e. linked with Swimming Australia, NSW and your region’s components (all $0).
- The existing help guide which encourages clubs to go through the ‘Other’ membership category to set this up, is no longer relevant.
- Clubs will very soon be able to create their products and open up for registration season! You will notice several small changes this year:
- Swimming NSW will next week provide clubs with an opportunity to set a time to Zoom call with us to ask any questions regarding membership product setup and the registration season.
- Swimming NSW will announce the date of our final Swim Central webinar – Events – by the end of next week.
- SC Updates
- Handy new ‘Reporting’ dashboard available. This is a shortcut to all the major reports used by club administrators (including meet-related reports) and will be added to over time.
- 10 September 2021
- No 8&U and 9&O this season
- 2021/2022 Swimmer Full 8 & Under
- 2021/2022 Swimmer Full 9 & Over
- 2021/2022 Swimmer Club Only 8 & Under
- 2021/2022 Swimmer Club Only 9 & Over
- 2021/2022 Swimmer Rec 8 & Under
- 2021/2022 Swimmer Rec 9 & Over
- 2021/2022 Dry Member
- Life Member
- Correction
- Transfers/Upgrades/Transfers
- Affiliate Now
- 3 September 2021
- Event Home Page Updates
- Event Teams
- Attendees section
- Ticketing
- Official positions
- Requirements
- Documents
- Affiliate Now
- Bulk refunds for Cancelled meets
- 20 August 2021
- New and improved Attendees report (will look a lot like a Start List)
- Brand New Events dashboard – simplifying processes and tasks much like the Club dashboard/membership info
- Introduction of the ability for event admins to unpublish an event within the first 72 of publishing, prior to nominations opening, to make (limited) changes, before re-publishing.
- Improved success for picking up relay lead-off splits regardless of validity of subsequent splits
- When a participant is registered at an event under Team/Club A but has been included in a relay event for Team/Club B, Swim Central will now acknowledge the results from Club B’s event entry and assign the lead off split result to the participant from Club A (if they were assigned leg 1).
- 13 August 2021
- Swimming Australia have implemented a stop feature that prevents anyone from purchasing a membership product within 30 days of expiry. In other words, attempting to purchase a m’ship during September won’t work, as our memberships expire on September 30. If you want to prevent people from joining your club even earlier than that, a reminder that you can simply amend the ‘Availability’ dates of your product so that it no longer shows in the catalogue.
- Please remember to update your committee positions listings on Swim Central. This helps ensure our upcoming registration communication makes it to the right people! As discussed on our webinar last week, this can now be done here from your club’s dashboard.
- Reminder that if a refund request for an event entry is rejected by the host, that swimmer’s entries will still export to Meet Manager.
- 6 August 2021
- Notably, the Club Information button has been added which takes the user to the modernised replacement for parts of the old home page such as Positions, Club details, and Embeddables.
- Two new fields have been introduced to the ‘Members’ export report; these are ‘Membership Commencement Date’ and ‘Primary Membership Commencement Date’.
- ‘Event Number’ a.k.a. Sub-race Number has been added to the ‘Relay Teams’ export report.
- Requesting refunds: Your Purchase Order Product listing now includes a more human readable ‘Refund’ link button; this replaces the ‘Undo’-like icon which was previously shown at the end of each product. It is now more obvious where to request your refund.
- Other bug fixes which ended some glitches.
- 30 July 2021
- Register for the upcoming webinars hosted by the SNSW team
- Refunds
- Bulk refunds
- 23 July 2021
- Remember to join the State Forum webinar where Mark Heathcote will discuss the increased range of membership options available to better suit the modern day needs of the swimming community, and Josh Karp will outline the flow on effects for club Registrars. Click Here for more information. A session not to be missed!
- As some clubs end their season and new committees are formed, here is a reminder of how to add a new committee member to Swim Central. This process is important; while it informs SNSW of new committee members, more importantly it allows Swim Central access for your new committee members and also prevents old committee members’ unnecessary access. Note: anyone with current access to the admin section of your club can do this – you do not need to confirm changes to/with Swimming NSW.
- 9 July 2021
- Refund requests – A reminder to pass to your club members on how to request refunds for event entries: Use this guide, and remember to inform the event host that you have made a request, so they can approve it on their end.
- Are your members seeing these images pop up in SC? Are you seeing it when impersonating your members? Are you seeing it on your own profile? This is a call to update all relevant areas in RED text. Note: Be sure to check all tabs along the top (each relevant screenshot provided below)
- 2 July 2021
- Has your club held its AGM? If so, make sure you have completed our associated Checklist too!
- Once affiliation has been paid, you can access your Certificate of Currency following the steps on this page.
- Swimming Australia have created an FAQ page of support guides, available through Swim Central. Clubs and members are encouraged to use both this tool and our pages here (for club admins) and here (for club members) to access these guides.
- 18 June 2021
- Introducing a new ‘Purchasing for someone else?’ option in the ‘family impersonation toggler’ which takes users to the profiles page for setting up new family members.
- ‘Add to Cart’ button now includes the name of the product assignee in the hopes that users will be reminded who they are purchasing for.
- New mobile friendly layout for the thumb scrolling warriors.
- It is now possible to filter the Product Listing in the Entity Product Dashboard by Product Category.
- Race Number column has been broken out into separate elements to allow for easier sorting.
- Transaction Reports and Gateway Payout Transaction reports will now include Source Category (where set) and Source Event (where applicable)
- JX will be starting again soon; times for this season have now been updated along with the certificates and e-mail templates.
- 4 June 2021
- Reminder of purchase approval process
- Active Kids
- Document requirements – if applicable to your club
- Reminder of refund request approval process
- Club Registrars/Treasurers: please note that there are many refund approvals sitting in Swimming NSW’s portal that have been approved by the club, but no reason has been forwarded to us for this refund request, so they remain unapproved.
- Notifications Panel
- Affiliation Due (no payment means nobody can become members of the club)
- Member approvals pending (for your action)
- ID documents for the entity have expired
- Refund requests pending (for your action)
- And much more!
- 28 May 2021
- New cleaner look and feel to the dashboard, which takes better advantage of available space on the page.
- Quick links added to the dashboard for most common activities (like the Entity Admin Dashboard)
- Contact Us - Help Guide Contact Your State/Territory Association
- Locate an Event – Events Page
- Order History
- Events closing soon now incorporate tiles indicating to whom the event may be relevant based upon relationships and memberships.
- Simplification of the left-hand navigation bar; removal of Shopping Cart, Groups and Accreditations and Event Finder.
- Shopping Cart moved to the page header.
- Groups and Accreditations have been moved under Profile.
- Event Finder has been moved under Event.
- 21 May 2021
- Clubs are to remind prospective members that parents/purchasers must check who the assignee is before purchasing a membership. HERE is our help guide – it is important to pay particular attention to the first part of Step 3. Otherwise, the situation arises where a parent may purchase a Swimmer membership incorrectly under their own name, and not the swimmer’s name.
- Clubs must remember to check their ‘Notifications’ panel on the RHS of their club dashboard (see red box in image below). This could contain vital information such as:
- Affiliation Due (no payment means nobody can become members of the club)
- Member approvals pending (for your action)
- ID documents for the entity have expired
- Refund requests pending (for your action)
- And much more!
- 14 May 2021
- Reminder of purchase approval process
- As of this week, there is updated logic in a Meet director’s HY3 export which should now allow individuals who had purchased a nomination and then requested a refund to be exported, if the refund request was rejected.
- Refund requests
Column now added, showing the date the refund was requested. Handy in many instances, including clubs who offer refunds for event entry if only requested before the event. Now these clubs can see the date that the refund was requested. - 7 May 2021
- Affiliation
- Payment allows you to access your Certificate of Currency which is valid from May to May annually.
- Non-payment means your membership (and other) products are no longer available for purchase by prospective members, until payment has been made.
- Access to your Certificate of Currency
- 30 April 2021
- Affiliation payments are NOW DUE and can be paid for via Swim Central - thanks to those Clubs and Areas that have already paid the fee!
- Introducing new Entity Product Status Filters - Your club’s product list can now be viewed in a new interface, and can be filtered by ‘All’, ‘Live’, ‘Draft’ and ‘Expired’.
In two weeks’ time you will be able to delete any product in Draft form only (i.e. if the product has never been Published).
- Adding of a ‘Purchasing Entity Name’ field to your Entity Purchases report. This will enable purchases that take place from the club – such as affiliations - to be more easily identified.
- One for the Coaches - Coach recognition level was not displaying on their ASCTA e-card. This has now been fixed.
- 23 April 2021
- Direct links for meets
- Try SC on your phone!
- 16 April 2021
- Entity Admin Dashboard shortcuts feature:
- Create Event
- Create Product
- Members Report
- Choose to limit Swimmers Per Session Feature (as opposed to Per meet)
- Accessible both during Entity Event Creation Workflow, and when editing a Published Event via the legacy edit interface.
- Modified the ‘Active Members’ number to exclude Pending and Suspended members to more accurately reflect your Active members.
- Entity Admin Dashboard shortcuts feature:
- 19 March 2021
- Club transfer reminder
- Swim Central Event Creation changes
- Update your details!
- 12 March 2021
- Relay Entries
- Got any questions about Swim Central that you want answered? Email us HERE and ask away! We will get back to you early next week.
- 26 February 2021
- Actioning pending payments
- Difference between Primary and Secondary Account Holders
- 19 February 2021
- New Side Nav menu targeting most important Entity Administration functions
- You can access the old home page in this list
- Club and Member search allowing quick access to Members of the current Entity + all accessible Entities!
- ‘Active Members’ panel, showing a near real time count of active members based upon current SC queries.
- ‘Live Events’ panel shows a count of Event’s currently upcoming for the Entity.
- ‘Notifications’ panel; shows up to 10 distinct alerts relating to club’s operations; some familiar others new.
- ‘Help’ links updated.
- 12 February 2021
- Event links - The event bounce link – which allows you to create a direct link to your event in Swim Central, is currently not working, and directing swimmers only to their Swim Central home page. This bug will be fixed in the coming weeks.
- Merchandise - Creating a merchandise product for sale in Swim Central – Click Here
- Identification - There are still dozens of clubs who need to ensure their Identification documents are up to date. Click Here for detailed information on how to ensure you will receive your club’s registration money from day one of your season.
Payment Pending for Events
When entering events, ensure your payment state is listed as Complete. Payments still listed as Payment Pending are not final and must be completed.
SNSW strongly recommends members check that their payments are complete when entering events- in some cases the event host will not except your event entries if the payment is still in a pending state after entries have closed. - 5 February 2021
- 29 January 2021
- 22 January 2021
- Click Here to learn how to very easily create a direct link for your meet and place it on your website. Once you have placed it on your website/Facebook page etc, clicking on this link will take the user straight to the nominations page of the event (once logged into Swim Central).
- Club details
- Want a refresher of Swim Central? Check out our all-encompassing guide here.
- 15 January 2021
- Direct linking of meets to avoid the need for Association
- Club Registrars/Treasurers
- Approval of Active Kids vouchers
- 11 December 2020
- Direct linking of meets to avoid the need for Association
- Club Registrars/Treasurers: Please note that there are many refund approvals sitting in Swimming NSW’s portal that have been approved by the club, but no reason has been forwarded to us for this refund request, so they remain unapproved.
- Meet tickets
- 27 November 2020
New updates
Uploading event results
Once you have uploaded your results, it is imperative that you check the Import summary for any unmatched data.
To view your results import summary
Unmatched results usually occur for three reasons:
It is up to the meet host to contact the club concerned and ascertain the correct information and rectify the meet file or have the parent update their swimmers’ personal details in Swim Central.
Once you have the meet file correct you can reupload the meet results but they will need to be reapproved and verified if necessary - please contact your Area to do so, as per standard process.
Active Kids Vouchers
Remember to continue approving memberships that have used AKV’s. Click Here to be reminded how to do so.
Personal Email v Club Email
Reminder to clubs that they can add in a Position Email if they prefer to be contacted via a club email address instead of their personal one (which is likely the one that has entity access). This can be done by going to Club Information à Positions à Edit à add Position Email.
New Releases due in Swim Central next week
Upgrading and Transferring clubs after using an Active Kids Voucher earlier in the season
Swimming NSW now require that all active ‘Swimmer’ Life Members be made a Swimmer too. There is no cost involved to the member here.
If your club has any Swimming Life Members, please send their full name to admin@nsw.swimming.org.au and we will set them up as Swimmers.
A reminder to pass to your club members the steps on how to request refunds for both memberships and event entries:
All clubs need to ensure their Active Kids Vouchers are ‘approved’ as soon as possible. Click Here if you need a reminder on how to do this.
Why can’t your club members see or access meets in their Calendar?? It's important now that meets are up and running for Club admins to link or associate meets to their club in Swim Central. This enables their swimmers to access & enter meets. The help guide on how to link up meets to your club can be found HERE. Not doing this may mean your club’s swimmers do not even know the event is being held!
A reminder to pass to your club members the steps on how to request refunds for both memberships and event entries:
All clubs need to ensure their Active Kids Vouchers are ‘approved’ as soon as possible. Click Here if you need a reminder on how to do this.
Please download a members report and check your Life Members. Contact us if you have any that appear to show as expiring on November 30. All of your Life Members should not have an expiry date against their membership.
A reminder for clubs to check their results import summary after uploading results.
A reminder to pass to your club members the steps on how to request refunds for both memberships and event entries:
If refund is for a membership - club MUST inform Swimming NSW of the approval, noting the purchaser’s name and the reason for the request - so that SNSW can finalize it. The refund will not be actioned by SNSW unless we have heard from the club.
Click here to see how to do this. This is an important step in the process.
Previously, when approving the vouchers, clubs were charged the $100, PLUS the Stripe transaction fee of 1.5% (thereby equating to $101.52 per voucher). In the coming weeks, the system will work through clubs who were charged this extra 1.5% fee, and refund them the $1.52 for each AKV member since the start of the 2021-22 season. There is no set time limit on when this will hit your club’s bank account.
Where possible, clubs should ensure that their prospective members’ parents are changing the assignee of each membership before Adding to Cart. Otherwise, they end up typically with a Swimmer and Dry membership both against the Swimmer’s name.
A reminder to pass to your club members the steps on how to request refunds for both memberships and event entries:
Why can’t your club members see or access meets in their Calendar?? It's important now that meets are up and running for Club admins to link or associate meets to their club in Swim Central. This enables their swimmers to access & enter meets. The help guide on how to link up meets to your club can be found HERE. Not doing this may mean your club’s swimmers do not even know the event is being held!
Creating events in Swim Central and still confused by all the terminology? Check out this handy guide. This information actually allows you to decide how you want to run your meet, so it’s worth taking a look to gain an understanding.
Consolidation of all Finance sections in Swim Central. Finance is accessed via the LHS menu once in your club’s back end.
Event Nominations (Hy3) Export– The Hy3 entries file will be now delivered by email only. When a club administrator selects the ‘Entries’ button on the event home page a pop-up at the bottom of the screen will display saying
‘HY3 Nominations Export QUEUED for EMAIL delivery’ – which is of course emailed to the address which has been used to log into SC.
Why can’t your club members see or access meets in their Calendar?? It's important now that meets are up and running for Club admins to link or associate meets to their club in Swim Central. This enables their swimmers to access & enter meets. The help guide on how to link up meets to your club can be found HERE. Not doing this may mean your club’s swimmers do not even know the event is being held!
A reminder to pass to your club members the steps on how to request refunds for both memberships and event entries:
Voucher Approvals
Relays Update
Active Kids Voucher membership purchases - Upgrading and Transferring clubs
Volume Discounts
The current setup is that they will actually see these members (in the downloaded Report only) for 180 days after the membership expiry.
SNSW actually believe this too long and would prefer it to remain at 30 days, since the Expired Members report already permits clubs to check their members up to 180 days after their membership has expired.
If you have any feedback about this current setting, please email admin@nsw.swimming.org.au and we may be able to suggest a change to revert to 30 days only.
Registration Season
Registration Season
Event admins
For clubs who hope to eventually be accepting QLD and/or Victorian swimmers into their meets, Race organisers must ensure they add the following relevant membership requirements into the event setup. This will allow those QLD swimmers to nominate for your event.
The following two products will allow QLD swimmers into your event
The following two products will allow Victorian Swimmers into your event
Swim Central Events webinar
Registration Season pointers
Club Registrars/Treasurers: please note that there are many refund approvals sitting in Swimming NSW’s portal that have been approved by the club, but no reason has been forwarded to us for this refund request, so they remain unapproved.
You may have approved them from your end, but they are now in need of action by Swimming NSW. If you know you have approved one or more refund requests in the past few months, please contact admin@nsw.swimming.org.au, noting the names and the reasons for the request, and we will action this for the member as soon as possible.
Swim Central Events webinar
With the new categories announced officially last week, you would have noticed that there are no longer 8 & Under and 9 & Over memberships from a national, state and regional level. Of course, if you wish to, you can still structure your club’s ‘Swimmer’ products to have a cheaper club component for 8 & Under members (or whatever age range you wish to choose). In this instance, your products list may look similar to:
This decision is entirely a club decision – you can choose what to charge for your own components.
On August 13, we advised in HOTB that Swimming Australia had implemented a stop feature that prevents anyone from purchasing a membership product within 30 days of the product’s expiry. This is partially incorrect and we would like to advise an amendment to this, and apologise for the miscommunication.
Amendment: From 30 days prior to product expiry (based on the ‘Availability End Date’), clubs will NO LONGER be able to create a new product for the current season.
In this same time period, a member cannot transfer from one club to another.
As a result, for your existing 20/21 season products, memberships can still technically be purchased by new members, for the old season - if your product availability end date is September 30. We would advise as always to turn off your product availability to ensure this doesn’t happen by accident. Members should instead wait for the new season product to become available.
SNSW have already received numerous questions regarding whether upgrading a membership during the season is possible. To answer this – Yes of course! At this stage, the process is exactly the same as a standard club transfer.
Clubs are once again reminded to make payment for Affiliation which is DUE and can be paid for in Swim Central through these easy steps. Payment allows you to access your Certificate of Currency which is valid from May to May annually.
Additionally, club memberships products cannot be setup for the new season until payment has been made.
Overhaul of event home page – easier and more efficient use!
Help Guides from Swimming Australia to follow!
Clubs are reminded to make payment for Affiliation which is DUE and can be paid for in Swim Central through these easy steps. Payment allows you to access your Certificate of Currency which is valid from May to May annually.
Additionally, club memberships products cannot be setup for the new season until payment has been made.
Cancelled your meet? Contact admin@nsw.swimming.org.au to request a bulk refund for all meet attendees. This saves the hassle of asking all attendees to request the refund through Swim Central, and then approving each of them as they trickle through.
Affiliate Now
Clubs are reminded to make payment for Affiliation which is DUE and can be paid for in Swim Central through these easy steps. Payment allows you to access your Certificate of Currency which is valid from May to May annually. Memberships products cannot be setup for the new season until payment has been made.
Events Updates (COMING SOON)
Event results improvements
Dashboard consolidation
More work has been completed on consolidating the Admin home page tiles.
Reporting Enhancements
Other changes
CLICK HERE to visit our Events page which contain the links and information to each registration and event-related webinar. Make sure to Register!
A reminder to pass to your club members on how to request refunds for both memberships and event entries: Use this guide, and remember to inform the event host that you have made a request, so they can approve it on their end.
Swimming Australia have the ability to bulk refund all participants from a meet, in the event it doesn’t proceed. For example, COVID-19-related cancellations, or other last minute cancellations. Email Olivia.kapocius@nsw.swimming.org.au if you require this to be done.
Registration Season is almost upon us
Editing my club’s committee access to Swim Central
Personal Details
SC Support
The Help link is available in the position highlighted below, in Swim Central.
Some handy updates have been made to Swim Central recently, please see the list below.
SC Store Catalogue
Relay Teams Report
Invoice & Gateway Reports Update
JX 2021-22 New QT and Certificate
You may have approved them from your end, but they are now in need of action by Swimming NSW. If you know you have approved one or more refund requests in the past few months, please contact admin@nsw.swimming.org.au, noting the names and the reasons for the request, and we will action this for the member as soon as possible. Check your approval lists throughout the season/off season to ensure you don’t miss any – alternatively, change the availability of your relevant products to OFF if your season is coming to an end and you can no longer have members join the club.
Clubs must remember to check their ‘Notifications’ panel on the right-hand side of their club dashboard (see red box in image below). This could contain vital information such as:
Updates to Swim Central
Check your approval lists throughout the season/off season to ensure you don’t miss any – alternatively, change the availability of your relevant products to OFF if your season is coming to an end.
Affiliation payments are NOW DUE and can be paid for via Swim Central.
Once affiliation is paid, certificates can now be accessed here. Select Swimming NSW, then your club from the drop-down boxes, and then follow the prompts through Marsh Sport’s website.
In addition to associating events to your club’s calendar which we reminded you of last week, Here is another reminder of creating a direct link to your meet in Swim Central (SC). This link can be placed on your website or social media, and allows the end user to click on it, log into Swim SC and be taken directly to the meet, whether their club has associated the meet or not!
SC is becoming more and more useable on your mobile devices. Give it a try! We know that lots of members and parents are using this feature, and encourage you to try club administration work through your mobile devices if handy, too.
Any feedback is welcome to be sent to us at admin@nsw.swimming.org.au and we will forward this onto Swimming Australia.
Admin Dashboard
Among many other features within the dashboard, Swimming Australia have introduced:
Editing my club’s committee access to Swim Central
As some clubs end their season and new committees are formed, here is a reminder of how to add a new committee member to Swim Central. Note: anyone with prior access to the admin section of your club can do this – you do not need to confirm anything with Swimming NSW.
This process is important; while it informs SNSW of new committee members, more importantly it allows Swim Central access for your new committee members and also prevents old committee members’ access where necessary.
Associating meets
Are your club swimmers complaining that they cannot see event in their calendar in which to enter? CLICK HERE – a reminder on how to associate events to your club’s calendar, so that your swimmers can see and enter these events!
Changing clubs? HERE is how to do this.
Note: there is no need at all to request a refund for your existing swimming membership.
This is all actioned as part of the correct transfer process.
Recently, Swimming Australia have simplified the Creation of Meets/Events within Swim Central by providing review opportunities, clearer flows, and templating. This is now in your Live system. We encourage your Race Secretaries to check it out now and pass on any feedback to admin@nsw.swimming.org.au!
Are your members seeing these images pop up in SC? Or are you seeing it when impersonating your members?
This is a call to update all relevant areas in RED text.
Note: Be sure to check all tabs along the top (each relevant screenshot provided below)
Make sure you are switching ON the Export toggle for each athlete in relays, like in the screenshot below. If toggled Off, the swimmer/s will not be exported to Meet Manager.
When entering events, ensure your payment state is listed as Complete. Payments still listed as Payment Pending are not final and must be completed.
SNSW strongly recommends members check that their payments are complete when entering events - in most cases the event host will not accept your event entries if the payment is still in a pending state after entries have closed.
Ever wondered what the difference is? Ever been asked by parents at your club?
Primary Account Holder (18+):
Summary: Can invite and remove family members, as well as manage and make purchases on behalf of family members
- Can invite other users to their family group
- Set the role of an adult to Principal or Member (promote or demote)
- Manage (edit/read) profiles of all family members
- Make purchases on behalf of all family members
Secondary Account Holder (18+):
Summary: Can manage and make purchases on behalf of family members
- Partner, co-parent of Founder
- Cannot invite other users to the family group
- Cannot set the role of an adult to Principal or Member
- Manage (edit/read) their own profile as well as dependents
- Make purchases on behalf of all family members
If you are required to change the primary account holder to an existing secondary account holder, just email admin@nsw.swimming.org.au
NEW Entity dashboard
This information hub provides Entity Administrators with a means to get an overview of important Entity operations, as well as descendant operations, in one location. Some (but not all) features include:
Onboarding created for new users
A ‘Get Started’ list of things to do in Swim Central to provide a more guided experience, or hints indicating ‘what to do next. Clicking on the direction takes you to the relevant page.
Event Bounce Link
The event bounce link, which we advised last week was not working, is now back up and running. Thanks to all event admins who were patient with this. You can now go back to easily creating a link for your event and posting it on your website, socials etc by following this quick guide.
- COMING SOON – a NEW event creation flow is being designed for event hosts. This will greatly simplify what you currently do. Swimming Australia are aiming to complete this by March.
- Creating second claim membership products for swimmers can be found HERE
- Reminder of the process to change swimming clubs HERE
Copy a meet
There is a form element in ‘New Event’ page allowing optional selection of an historical event from which to source exact event configuration values for replication into the event being created. In other words, you can copy a past meet if you know the set up in Swim Central is going to be exactly the same! Perfect for club nights.
Meet Tickets
The Tix tab on the far-right hand side of your event’s page allows you to set up ticket requirements for meets, which can limit the spectators attending your requirements that a ticket must be purchased along with an event nomination if you wish, and you can also set a limit of tickets. That way, if you do make purchasing a ticket a requirement with event nominations, then you don’t have to keep monitoring numbers; once the ticket limit is reached event nominations will not be possible.
You can also obtain a report of the names of people who have purchased the ticket.
Direct linking of meets to avoid the need for Association
Don’t forget that the meet nomination process has now changed. Please share this new guide with your members to help them next time they nominate.
Remember to keep all of your club console’s information up to date. Here is how to do this.
Click Here to learn how to very easily create a direct link for your meet and place it on your website. Once you have placed it on your website/Facebook page etc, clicking on this link will take the user straight to the nominations page of the event (once logged into Swim Central).
Don’t forget that the meet nomination process has now changed. Please share this new guide with your members to help them next time they nominate.
Please note that there are many refund approvals sitting in Swimming NSW’s portal that have been approved by the club, but no reason has been forwarded to us for this refund request, so they remain unapproved.
You may have approved them from your end, but they are now in need of action by Swimming NSW. If you know you have approved one or more refund requests in the past few months, please contact admin@nsw.swimming.org.au with regards to the names and the reasons for the request, and we will action this for the member as soon as possible.
Clubs MUST ensure they are approving AK voucher purchases, from three (3) days after* the purchase. Many clubs have a long list of vouchers to approve. Follow the steps HERE to do this.
*NOTE: Each voucher approval debits $101.52 from your club’s bank account – please ensure you have enough funds in your account before approving.
Click Here to learn how to very easily create a direct link for your Swim Central meet and place it on your website. Once you have placed it on your website/Facebook page etc, clicking on this link will take the user straight to the nominations page of the event (once logged into Swim Central).
Don’t forget that the meet nomination process has now changed. Please share this new guide with your members to help them next time they nominate.
You may have approved them from your end, but they are now in need of action by Swimming NSW. If you know you have approved one or more refund requests in the past few months, please contact admin@nsw.swimming.org.au with regards to the names and the reasons for the request, and we will action this for the member as soon as possible.
The Tix tab on the far-right hand side of your event’s page allows you to set up ticket requirements for meets, which can limit the spectators attending your meet.
In the setup (Ticket +), you’ll find you can toggle on the requirements that a ticket must be purchased along with an event nomination if you wish, and you can also set a limit of tickets. That way, if you do make purchasing a ticket a requirement with event nominations, then you don’t have to keep monitoring numbers; once the ticket limit is reached event nominations will not be possible.
You can also obtain a report of the names of people who have purchased the ticket.
Direct linking of meets to avoid the need for Association
Click Here to learn how to very easily create a direct link for your Swim Central meet and place it on your website. Once you have placed it on your website/Facebook page etc, clicking on this link will take the user straight to the nominations page of the event (once logged into Swim Central).
Don’t forget that the meet nomination process has now changed. Please share this new guide with your members to help them next time they nominate.
Club Registrars/Treasurers: Please note that there are many refund approvals sitting in Swimming NSW’s portal that have been approved by the club, but no reason has been forwarded to us for this refund request, so they remain unapproved.
You may have approved them from your end, but they are now in need of action by Swimming NSW. If you know you have approved one or more refund requests in the past few months, please contact admin@nsw.swimming.org.au with regards to the names and the reasons for the request, and we will action this for the member as soon as possible.