
2024-2025 Membership Fees

Swimming NSW can now present our 2024-2025 membership options and price structure, carefully designed to better align with the ever-changing needs of families in our modern society. Below you will find a range of different products suited to our vast range of members including parents, coaches, Technical Officials, Learn to Swim participants, those that may only wish to swim at a club level, and competitive swimmers.

Our 2024-2025 Membership Brochure is available here.

Members can upgrade their membership at any time throughout the season and only pay the difference in cost between a membership with greater benefits and their current membership.

Come and Try - FREE

Come and Try

New to swimming and not sure which membership is for you? You can sign up for a Come and Try membership!

  • Up to 60-day membership just for NEW members
  • Injury insurance cover for up to 60 days
  • One session per week to try club activities

A club may restrict a Come and Try membership period according to its own policies. Contact your local club for details.

Dry/Supporter - $36.50

Perfect for fans, committees, coaches, other volunteers, Technical Officials, parents and supporters who wish to enjoy some of the benefits that Swimming NSW have to offer, without having to dive into the pool.

Non Swimmer


Recreational Swimmer - $66.11

Ideal for those who want a lighter experience, such as Learn to Swim or recreational squad members, and those who only want to train with their club.

Learn to Swim Recreational Swimmer Membership


  • Receive all the benefits of the Supporter Membership PLUS…
  • Train with your club
  • Race at 4x Club Night events throughout the year
  • Insurance cover for training only plus four club nights (Injury Insurance Cover)
  • Exclusive partner discounts throughout the year
  • Free spectator entry to State Open and Sydney Open Heats to watch Australia’s best compete live.
  • Access to exclusive monthly SNSW Swim Shop offers, including 10% year round

Club Swimmer - $86.04

Perfect for swimmers who only want to compete at their own club's meets (including Club Nights and inter-club meets) and are not ready to swim at other inter-club, area or state meets yet.

Club Swimmer Membership Swimming NSW kids swimming local club





Full Swimmer - $99.82

Essential for club members who wish to compete at meets state-wide and nationally, as well as have access to greater member benefits.



  • Receive all the benefits of the Club Swimmer Membership PLUS…
  • Train and race with your club at all club, regional, state and national meets
  • Insurance cover for training AND racing (Comprehensive Injury Insurance Cover
  • Eligible to represent and earn points for your club at Area, Metropolitan, Country and State Championships
  • Eligible to earn a place on a NSW Pathway Squad


Life Member - FREE

Life members are members who have been nominated by their club committee to receive lifetime membership at no cost. Life members are entitled to all Full Swimmer benefits listed above and their memberships do not expire.

Clubs are not required to set this membership type up in Swim Central as SNSW enters Life Memberships into the system.

Please notify if you require a Life Membership to be added. 


These fees will be in effect from 3 September 2024 to 30 September, 2025.

Please note these fees are comprised of Swimming NSW and Swimming Australia fees only, and do not include any applicable Area or Club fees. You can find the fees applicable in your Area below.

You may wish to review our Refund Policy before purchasing your membership.

Transferring Clubs

Members can transfer clubs throughout the season, where an additional club fee may apply. Members who join with more than one club must choose which Primary Club they will choose to represent at any Interclub, Area and Swimming NSW events. Members are unable to compete for more than one club unless they undergo the full Transfer Process.

Upgrading your membership

Members who hold a recreational swimming membership can upgrade to a competitive membership at their club by following the steps here. If you are upgrading from a membership that was purchased using an Active Kids Voucher please follow the relevant process here first.

Active Kids Program

  • Save up to $50 on your membership with an Active Kids Voucher
  • Effective 1 July 2023, The NSW Government has announced changes to the Active Kids vouchers which include dropping the value of the voucher from $100 to $50. Further changes will come into effect from 1 February 2024. The effects of these changes will be communicated in the coming months.

    Please note: vouchers issued for use from July 2023 cannot be redeemed for your 2023/24 swimming memberships until your club is ready, which will be any time from early September onwards.

    You can apply online for vouchers at the Service NSW Website. Please note your club must be registered as an Active Kids provider in order for you to be able to use your voucher for Swimming Registration fees. Please check with your club if you are unsure whether or not they are a provider.

    Once the required information is completed, an alpha-numeric voucher code will be provided that can then be used to offset the cost of physical activity participation. The voucher can only be redeemed for one sport per calendar year. Vouchers are valid for redemption during the current calendar year and will expire at the end of the calendar year. Vouchers cannot be used retrospectively. Ensure you contact your club prior to payment if you wish to use a voucher. 

    For more information about the Active Kids Program see our Active Kids FAQs.

Area Fees

  • 2024-25 Area membership fees
  • The following area fees are applicable on top of the Swimming NSW and Swimming Australia fees listed above. These fees do not include any applicable club fees. Please check with your club registrar for more information on their and your area's applicable fee.

      ACT Coast & Valley Metro North East Metro North West Metro South East Metro South West


    $6 $3 (Full
    Swimmer only)
    $3 $4


    Dry members 0 $6 0 0 0 0
    & Plains
    New England & North West South Eastern Southern Inland North Coast Western
    Swimmers $6

    $5 Full Swimmer

    $3 Club & Rec

    $10 Full Swimmer

    0 Club & Rec

    $2 $5 $10
    Dry members 0 $10 $10 0 $2



Credit Card Fees

  • 4% Credit Card Processing Fee
  • The merchant fee charged for credit/debit card payments through Swim Central is 4% of the total transaction amount. This means when any online payments are made, users will be presented with the cost of the membership they are purchasing plus 4% of that cost to pay.

    Here is an example ‘Swimmer’ membership transaction for the 2024-25 season:


    (Example Only)

    Amount (Inc GST)

    4% merchant fee paid by member

    Total member will pay

    Swimming Australia




    Swimming NSW













    141.50 + 4% fee




    Note: there is no option at present for clubs to select an individual preference regarding absorbing or passing on the 3% fee.


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