The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

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Complete your Duke of Edinburgh International Award 

Swimming NSW is proud to be an Award Centre for the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, a global youth development program empowering young Australians aged 14-24 to explore their full potential.  

Participants must learn a new skill, volunteer, improve their physical wellbeing and experience a team adventure in a new environment. Every Award is different, our qualified Award Leaders can help guide Participants through all stages of their Bronze, Silver or Gold Award.

Swimming NSW Duke of Ed example activities 

We offer a range of diverse and enjoyable opportunities for our participants and participants from other Award Centres across NSW, to complete their regular sections at all levels of the Award. 

We can help you find volunteers who meet Child Safe requirements to be your Assessor. Below are some examples of how participants can complete their sections with Swimming NSW.

Skills Voluntary Service Physical Recreation



Running social media or other digital media



Learn to swim instruction



Club Night set up

Sitting on a committee or panel

Squad training


Gym training

Special event training (ocean swim, triathlon, etc.)



Click HERE to access a bespoke Duke of Ed presentation, perfect for clubs to show their older swimmers as they begin to consider life after swimming.


Click HERE to see our flyer in partnership with the Office of Sport!


Register for the Award

To complete your Duke of Ed with Swimming NSW register via the Online Record Book.

Complete Award Sections with Swimming NSW

To complete your Physical Recreation, Skills and/or Voluntary Service sections with a Swimming NSW club or area, speak to a member of the club or area committee. If you have any questions about completing Award Sections contact Josh Karp, General Manager - Participation and Engagement.

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