Compliance & Regulation

Still pool with lane ropes and starting blocks at Sydney Olympic Park

Being knowledgeable about your club's obligations to Swimming NSW, Swimming Australia, regulatory and legal bodies is an essential part of running a well-governed club. As an incorporated club, it's important to ensure you comply with rules, regulations and laws. 

Here are some best practice standards to be aware of when it comes to Risk Management and Workplace Health & Safety.


We have moved to the Club House 

The Club House ( is Swimming NSW's new digital support resource created solely for grassroots administrators.

We invite you to explore the Club House today to see what's available there for clubs, and to learn your way around.

Visit the Club House now or learn more about the site here.

Risk Management

  • What is Risk Management?
  • Marsh defines risk as the "possibility that something might happen that will affect your club or others associated with your club".

    The technical meaning (according to Standards Australia) is “the chance of something happening that will have an impact upon objectives. It is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood.” AS/NZS 4360:1999.

    Most people associate risk with negative or hazardous situations. In fact, Marsh Sport describes that risks can be both negative and positive.

    Here is an example of a negative and a positive risk…

    • Negative Risk: A decline in your club's membership by more than 20 members
    • Positive Risk: An increase in your club's membership by more than 20 members

    For more information view our Risk Management Policy

  • Risk Management Resources
  • Swimming NSW How to use Club Risk Management Assessment

    V Insurance Swim Meet Checklist

    Open Water Swimming Risk Assessment Template - view our Race Secretary resources

Work Health & Safety

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