Whether you're a club Race Secretary, a parent, a swimmer, or a coach with a question, we have a variety of resources to assist you below.
For further assistance with Swimming NSW's events please contact our Events Support at events@nsw.swimming.org.au.
Placing event entries
State Relay Rules Clarifications
- Swimming NSW Relay Rules
- In relay events the names of the swimmers and the order in which they are to swim shall be submitted via the Online Meet Entry Portal or via your club's TM E‐Entry file
- If you are not making any changes to your submitted relay team, you are no longer required to submit a relay form.
- Any changes you do need to make, must be made in writing to the Chief Recorder prior to the commencement of the session in which the relays are to be swum
- In Club relays a maximum of one (1) swimmer from a younger age group may participate
- At the NSW State Age 13 – 18 Years Championships, in club relays a maximum of one (1) swimmer from a younger age group may participate, however at these championships only athletes who are aged 13 years or older are allowed to compete
- A swimmer may only appear in one (1) relay team list for that event
- Where a club enters two (2) teams both teams may score points provided the qualifying time has been met
- How these rules apply to clubs placing entries
- At the 13‐18 Years State Age Championships, all the Relay events are ‘& Under’ events, which means the following:
- Provided a swimmer falls into the correct age category of that event, they can swim in as many relay events as they wish
- E.g. a club may swim two 13 year old & two 14 year old swimmers in all their relay events or even four 13 year old swimmers in all their relay events
- One swimmer cannot appear in the team list for their B team and on the reserve list for their A Team or vice versa
Please note the following Swimming NSW Rules regarding Relays:
Provided below is some clarification of these rules to simplify the process for clubs.
Relay Event | Eligible Age of Swimmers |
18 & Under Relay Event | 13-18 years |
16 & Under Relay Event | 13-16 years |
14 & Under Relay Event | 13-14 years |