Area Development Clinics a Big Hit!

28 June 2024

For the 2024/2025 season, Swimming NSW has revamped the delivery of its Area Development program. Previously, these clinics were sporadically delivered by areas with the capability and reimbursed by Swimming NSW. This year, however, Swimming NSW has taken a new approach by directly delivering 20 Area Development swim clinics across NSW—two in each country area and one in each metro area.

Chris Myers, our Regional Coaching Director, along with the support of Club Support Officer (CSO) Lyn Connell, has already organized and delivered four of the 20 clinics, receiving rave reviews from participants and local coaches.

The first weekend saw Chris at Evans Head and Forster, and the second weekend at Toronto and Woy Woy. "Chris did a great job. The clinic was well run and organized," said coaches in Forster. "The progression of freestyle drills was very well delivered," came from Evans Head in a survey conducted to gauge feedback on the clinics.

Area Development Clinics

Parents were equally enthusiastic: "My daughter enjoyed the clinic a lot. She took back some techniques and pointers which she is now working on at training. Very great clinic and well enjoyed." Another parent commented, "Really great initiative. Easy to say that we should have more of these style clinics." One parent mentioned, "My daughter just said she would like a breaststroke clinic next."

Chris's Area Development Clinics tour of NSW will continue throughout 2024 and into 2025, so keep an eye out for them in your area. Notifications will be sent through Area communications and directly via email by Swimming NSW. You can also find information on Swim Central. The clinics have qualifying times to ensure they are delivered at the right standard.

With over 120 children participating so far, this new initiative is set to enthuse and inspire swimmers and coaches across the state.

Area Development Clinics
Area Development Clinics

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