Tell everyone you're a SHOOSH for Kids club

09 November 2018
Two young female swimmers shooshing audience members

Let's keep kids in sport by emphasising fun and positive behaviour, not winning - that's the key message we'll be promoting from 12-18 November as part of SHOOSH for Kids awareness week .

We are a proud partner of this state-wide initiative, driven by the NSW Office of Sport. We invite all of our clubs and members to get on board as well.

The aim of SHOOSH for Kids is to: 

  • Promote positive behaviour at junior sport
  • Address issues which arise from poor behaviour at junior sport, including: abuse to officials and players, reduced volunteer numbers and reduced participation rates (due to poor experiences/non-enjoyment/focus on winning).

Register as a SHOOSH for Kids Club here, then download the free resources and announce your participation to your members using the range of social media posts, posters or ground announcements provided. Don't forget to add the hashtag #shooshforkids to all of your social media posts.

An easy way to spread the word is to follow us on social media and share our posts to show your support.

Facebook and Twitter: @SwimmingNSW

Instagram: @nswswimming

Your involvement will raise awareness of the importance of keeping kids sport focused on fun. Let's work together to keep kids playing sport!

If you'd like to discuss SHOOSH for Kids, please contact Joanne Barrett on or 02 5335 8803.  

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