The 2024/25 SNSW Sharks Squad gathered at the Cranbrook Aquatic Centre for a training day and presentations. A total of 26 swimmers attended, eager to participate in the testing activities.
I opened the day with a brief introduction and then discussed the upcoming 2025-26 SNSW Performance Pathway, which has been revised with input from leading NSW coaches and SNSW staff.
During the first pool session, the swimmers were divided into two groups. One group engaged in the Swimming Australia Testing Protocols while the other was filmed. The Swimming Australia protocols included:
- 2 x 25m Max on 2 mins; 2 mins rest; 1 x 200m Max (one set for kicking and the other for pulling).
The filming group undertook the following set:
- 1 x 25m Dive Max; 1 x 50m – Turn drill: race pace through the first 5m in and the last 10m out; 1 x 25m build to max finish (last 5m). All swims were recorded, and their results will be shared with their home coaches.
Following the initial session, Yasmin London delivered a special presentation on "Digital Resilience." Yasmin, a qualified expert and Australian Dolphin (Dolphin No. 503), shared insights on the challenges of social media today, highlighting both its benefits and potential pitfalls. She will also be addressing parents via Microsoft Teams tonight at 7:00 PM.

The second pool testing involved:
- 4 x 25m Dive Max on 3:00 mins
- 6 x 50m Efficiency Test on 2:00 mins – descending by 2 seconds to their target time.
The day was a fantastic experience for the swimmers, bolstered by outstanding coaching support. I would like to extend my gratitude to the following coaches who contributed their time to ensure the day’s success:
- Brett Winkworth (PLC Sydney), Sam Argue (Narrabeen), Yuriy Vdovichenko (Woden), Gennadiy Labara (Wagga Wagga), Franka Gieles (NUSWIM), Jodi Armstrong (Carlile), and Rafael Rodrigues (Knox Pymble).
Special thanks to Gio Postiglione (Knox Pymble & Sydney University) who did all the filming – your services are very much appreciated!

Thank you to all swimmers and coaches who participated today…another great day both in and out of the pool!